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Advocate Mateusz Zbrojewski Law Firm renders professional legal services to both individual and business clients who seek ongoing legal assistance.

The Law Firm is based in Łódź city center, on the famous Piotrkowska street. Our area of activity encompasses the entire łódzkie voivodeship as we provide legal representation to our clients before courts, law enforcement, administrative and other authorities in Bełchatów, Piotrków Trybunalski, Pabianice, Sieradz, Zduńska Wola, Łask, Zgierz and others.

In order to expand the accessibility of our services, facilitate contact and meet our clients' expectations, we have launched a branch office of our Law Firm in Konstantynów Łódzki.

Contact details to the main office and the branch are available in the Contact section

We provide legal services in Polish as well as in English language.

Our services are comprehensive and efficient due to cooperations with local notaries public and court enforcement officers (bailiffs) in Łódź and Konstantynów Łódzki.


Mateusz Zbrojewski graduated law studies at University of Lodz in 2012, achieving the highest possible grade on his diploma. He defended his master thesis titled "Defendant as the source of evidence" in the Criminal Procedure Department.

Since the beginning of 2013 Mateusz Zbrojewski has attended Advocate Training in the District Advocate Association in Lodz, his professional patron was advocate Andrzej Śmigielski – one of the partners of Wodo and Partners Law Firm.

In 2016 Mateusz Zbrojewski successfully passed the National Advocate Exam, achieving the highest score of all examinees from the territory of District Advocate Association in Lodz.

Advocate Mateusz Zbrojewski specialises in the field of civil law, rendering legal services mostly in business, compensation, real property, inheritance, family and custody cases.
His clients are private individuals as well as entrepreneurs and companies.

W celu zwiększenia dostępności usług prawnych świadczonych przez Kancelarię, w 2019 r. adwokat Mateusz Zbrojewski utworzył filię Kancelarii adwokackiej w Konstantynowie Łódzkim, w ramach której świadczy pomoc prawną osobom indywidualnym oraz lokalnym przedsiębiorcom.